A Church-wide Devotional

59 Days of Doing the '59 One Anothers' in the New Testament

Did you know the phrase “one another” appears at least 59 times in the New Testament?  These commands remind us that we are to do life together and help each other out.  Love one another, help one another, forgive one another…it’s a good “To Do” list and reminder that we can’t do life alone.  We need one another!  

And doing the “one anothers” is a direct and simple way to do ministry.

There’s an old saying that goes, “first we make our habits and then our habits make us.”  There’s another old saying, “do a good deed every day.”  When we do a simple act of service to help someone, they may say to us: “Thanks!  You did your good deed for the day.”

This little project is designed to help us get into, or back into, the habit of “doing a good deed every day” …to actively look for opportunities to help someone that could use a hand or a word of encouragement.  You can do this by yourself, of course. But it’s best done with a partner or small group so you can remind each other to do a good deed today!

Here’s how it works…each day (day 1 thru day 59) will have a scripture verse with one of the “One Anothers” from the New Testament and a few suggestions on how to put it into practice.  Then, there are a few lines for you to record what you did to accomplish that day’s “one another” good deed.  That way you’ll have a record of your 59-day journey.  Simple. Right?

You can do this!  Have fun sharing God’s love with your family, friends, coworkers and a world that desperately needs it.

So let’s get started!
Pastor Jim

P.S.  I'd love to hear about your "59 One Anothers" experiences. You can shoot me an email at [email protected].

I'd love to hear about your 59 Days Experience!

You can shoot me an email at [email protected].
Pastor Jim