Keep the Conversation Going...
- Billie talked about the importance of managing our potential “success spoilers.” In your experience, which “spoiler(s)” are easier or more difficult for you? Why?
a. Honesty?
b. Adaptability?
c. Humility?
d. Generosity? - Read back through the life of Abraham this week (Genesis 12-22). As you read, ask God to show you one specific way you can put faith in Him.
- Priorities are important. What might you be prioritizing ahead of God? (e.g., relationship(s), career, house, car, etc.) How can you allow God to help you adjust those priorities? What might you have to do to cooperate with Him?
- What is the hardest part about learning to trust and obey God, even (or maybe especially) when you can’t see the bigger picture?
- Share a time in your life that you have seen God bless you when it seemed impossible?