We're still the Church.
Even if we're meeting online, we're still the Church! We're seeing God move in miraculous ways through our online services, volunteers, and staff.
We meet weekly online on our social media platforms
We meet weekly online on our social media platforms
Sunday Services
9:30a •11:00a
Each platform consists of music, a message, and discussion questions for you and your friends/family to continue growing at home.
Dig Deeper
Harvest TV the platform you want to use if you want all the features.
Sermon Notes, Live Chat Prayer, Live Chat Room, and TONS more!
Sermon Notes, Live Chat Prayer, Live Chat Room, and TONS more!
Bring a Friend
Facebook is perfect for going to church with your friends on Sunday mornings! It's easy to invite your Facebook friends to watch the service along side you.
Quality Viewing
This is the platform you want to use if you want a great viewing experience! Easy to use and no distractions.