2023 GROW Conference 

Growing Great Churches with Best Practices

GROW 2023:  Wed, Feb 15th - Thurs, Feb 16th

Engaging Speakers

Jim & Jennifer Cowart

Harvest Church
Warner Robins, GA

Keith Boyette

Global Methodist Church

Steve Wood

Mount Pisgah Church
Johns Creek, GA



Jay Hanson

Jimmy Towson

Lester Spencer       

The Chapel Midtown
Brunswick, GA
Park Avenue Church
Valdosta, GA
St James UMC          
Montgomery, AL        

. . . and more

What to Expect

4:30  First-Look Opportunities.  
 Harvest Facility and Ministry Tours followed by Q & A Time

5:30 Registration

6:00  Night of Worship
Uplifting music, encouraging message, time of refreshing

7:00  First-Look Opportunities.
 Harvest Facility and Ministry Tours followed by Q & A Time

8:45  Registration
9:30  Music & Message
10:15  Breakout Session 1
11:30  Breakout Session 2
12:30  Closing Worship

1:00  Lunch with a Leader
Your opportunity to meet with some of our leaders and ask your own, specific questions (separate $10 fee for  Box Lunch if requested)

Breakout Sessions with Relevant Topics

Leading Through Change
Preaching for Life Change
Reaching the Unchurched
Leadership that Others Can Follow
Kingdom-Building Generosity
Why the GMC?

Christian Education:
Growing Children's and Student Ministries:  Engaging, Biblical and Fun!
Growing Disciples:  Tips for Thriving Small Groups

Game Day - Focus on Sunday: 
Attracting Crowds - Funnel to Maturity
A+ Experience - Executing with Excellence

Behind the Scenes:
Growing a Firm Foundation:  Practical Tips for Administration & Finances