Week 1:  Leaving A Legacy

We all leave a legacy when we leave this earth whether good or bad. Some struggle with this concept but our memory and works, whether for better or worse, live on in the hearts and minds of those who we've come in contact with. Likewise we also leave a legacy of faith to our friends and family. So the question is... What legacy are you leaving behind?

Week 2: Modeling Holy Habits

Nature or nurture? It's an ongoing debate. Some things we're just born with and other things are the result of our experiences and upbringing. In this session we'll take a closer look at the huge privilege and responsibility we have to nurture other people through our example.

Week 3: Breaking Bad Cycles

Some of us grew up wearing a lot of hand me downs. Some of them we really liked and some not so much. Some of them fit us well and some not so much. In this session we talk about how to discern which values, attitudes, and beliefs we need to keep and which we need to let go if; and how we can create new patterns that honor God.

Week 4: Living With Integrity

We can't live moral lives and please God through our willpower. If we try, we'll fail again and again. However, we can please Him when we follow Christ and allow Him to work in us. In this session we explore what it means to live with integrity–not through our own strength, but through His.

Week 5: Playing Well With Others

As Christ followers, our behavior not only reflects on us, but it also refers on Jesus. Part of living God is loving other people like He did. In this session we discuss how to play well with others–in easy and in difficult times.

Week 6: Doing God's Will

One question Christ followers often ask is "what is God's will for my life?" This can be difficult to discover through scripture when asking specific questions like: "Who should I marry? Should I buy that car or not? Where should I live?" In this session we explore what it means to seek God'd will and how we can access the gift of His wisdom.